After a player goes to ground (is tackled, stumbles and falls etc.),
the player on the ground has limited options. They have no "right" to the ball.
- If they are not held, if they can get up before anyone else arrives, they can.
- If they are held after a tackle, then they can play the ball back to their own side,
AS LONG AS the opposion on their feet (standing up) are not trying to take the ball from them.
In this case, if they hold on to the ball, a penalty will be awarded to the other team.
the player on the ground has limited options. They have no "right" to the ball.
- If they are not held, if they can get up before anyone else arrives, they can.
- If they are held after a tackle, then they can play the ball back to their own side,
AS LONG AS the opposion on their feet (standing up) are not trying to take the ball from them.
In this case, if they hold on to the ball, a penalty will be awarded to the other team.